Getting Started with Boundless Automation

How to integrate the Boundless Platform to your Meraki Dashboard.
Written by Boundless Digital
Updated 3 years ago


Getting started with Boundless Automation is dead simple, and it will just take you a few minutes.

Begin by signing into the Boundless Dashboard, where you can create a new Boundless workspace (1).

Once created, you now need to connect the Boundless Platform to your Meraki organization, so that it can synchronize with your infrastructure via the Meraki Dashboard API.

You can do so by either pressing on the Quick Start option that appears when logging to the platform, or going to SETUP and clicking on Meraki API.

Follow this article to learn more about how to integrate your Meraki organization into the Boundless Platform.

Synchronize your Meraki organization with Boundless

Before adding your Meraki API key to the Boundless Platform, there are a couple of steps you should follow first:

Step 1 | Enable your Meraki API Key

You can create your Meraki API key from the Meraki Dashboard.

But before doing so, first and foremost you need to make sure that you have the Dashboard API Access enabled for your Meraki organization

You can do so by clicking on Organization → Settings, and scrolling down until you see the sub-section Dashboard API Access.

Check the box where it says "Enable access to the Cisco Meraki Dashboard API". Then click on Save Changes.

Step 2 | Generate your Meraki API Key

Once enabled, you can generate your new API key (if you haven't done so already). This can be done on your Profile.

Just scroll down to Generate new API key (once generated, make sure you save your API key in a safe place, as you can't retrieve it again once leaving this page).

If you need any additional guidance, check out the short video we've prepared to show you how to do it. 

Step 3 | Integrate Meraki and Boundless

Once you have the API key securely stored on your computer, you just need to copy and paste it on the Boundless Dashboard.

Go back to the SETUP section and enter your Meraki API key.

If you've just created your API key, you may receive a message saying that your key is invalid. In this case, you'll simply need to wait for 2 minutes for it to become active, and try again.

Once your key is introduced*, on the right side of the screen you will see a drop down list of all the Meraki organizations that you have access to as an Administrator.

You then select the organization that you'd like to import, and Boundless will go ahead and import all the infrastructure from your Meraki account.

By using the Meraki API, the Boundless platform will automatically collect and import all of your infrastructure details from Meraki - this includes all networks, devices, and tags.

This process may take a few seconds. Once it's finished, the Boundless Dashboard will be connected to your Meraki account.

With this connection in place, you can use the Boundless platform to quickly automate tasks that will take you much more time if performed manually.

(1) The Boundless Organization is the container in which you will import your existing Meraki Organization. To simplify management, we strongly recommend that you name your Boundless organization the same as your Meraki organization.
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